While traveling I find myself taking pictures of old bikes along the side of the road. Some are abandoned, some have owners that might be in the fields or a nearby shop, I find something appealing about the solitary bike with no one around.
Week #11 - Reflections /
Week #10 - Environment /
Week #9 - Shadows /
Week #8 - Wide Angle Panorama /
Spherical Panorama at Yellow Mountain. This panorama was shot at 35mm, this crop above is 238 megapixels. Below is a 50% crop of the Canyon. The photos are a little late as my work schedule has been very hectic, I've been able to capture the photos just no time for processing. Hopefully soon it will return to a photo a week upload.
Week #7 - Faceless /
Week #6 - Candy /
Week #5 - Choices /
Week #4 - Portrait /
Week #3 - Red /
Week #2 - Traditional Landscape /
With work been an especially long week and getting sick, it was difficult to find time to get outside to shoot a landscape. Fortunately, a quick visa trip to Shanghai provided me with an opportunity for this week. I was hoping to be able to have a nice sunset reflecting in the buildings with their lights turning on, however the haze prevented that from happening so a golden hour shot was all I got. I am told the air is better in the summer, however in the winter I'm finding landscapes challenging where I am do to the haze and visibility generally being less than a mile. I've had a landscape in mind for a couple of months, however the weather has not been cooperative yet. Hopefully soon I'll have a chance to grab it.
Week #1 - Self Portrait /
First week's assignment is a self portrait, was not prepared for it to be such a difficult task! Lack of equipment added to the challenges I faced with this one as I have only brought a single tripod and no light modifiers with me to China. Might have to look for a cheap Camera shop in Nanjing for future challenges.